The Rocky Mountains have been a source of inspiration since mankind first gazed upon them. Mountain life, and life in general, can inspire us in ways many of us overlook.
Mountain Life documents the author's three-year journey of observations and experiences as he transitioned from seaside living to a mountain way of life. Mountain Life is about the land and the people of Colorado's Front Range and the Denver metropolitan area.
Whether it's sampling Rocky Mountain oysters or hiking a fourteener, mountain life highlights what's good about life, no matter where you live. Mountain life is about enjoying life, living with fewer hassles, and not taking yourself too seriously.
Life Habits for Leaders. Leaders today don’t need more information to succeed; they need perspective. We all know about the importance of playing by the rules, and the value of being fair and ethical. But knowing these things is not enough. We need to consistently put these ideals into action and we need to see them working successfully. Each one of us is a leader. We constantly influence others yet we rarely stay conscious of it. We are all leaders.
Leadership: it's not that complicated. But we have somehow managed to allow leadership to become this unreachable place. Leadership is always a work in progress, so count on your role as a leader to continuously evolve and change. The Book of Leader shows you how to consistently lead from your head and your heart so that meaningful changes and results are assured. The Book of Leader shares 52 ways you can effectively improve and expand your leadership capabilities.
Life is often like a subway ride. Actually, it's more like riding the subway without holding on. The subway is simply a microcosm of life - every day, the rhythm and diversity of all humanity is there on display, whether it's competition (making a run for that prime seat), or choosing to hide in a favorite paperback. Who will start up a conversation? What could a hello lead to? Subway Life is a simple metaphor for the everyday, and for the situations we all face. Subway Life is about life and how we choose to live it.
Looking for Sunshine is a handbook for people with who are dealing with a problem. (And who doesn’t have problems?) Inside this little book are some big ideas about accepting, reframing, and resolving your problems. When big problems occur in our lives, it can sometimes feel like a dark cloud is following you everywhere. And the thing about problems is it’s not answers that we need as much as the perspective. Some of the topics addressed include: Fear, Inspiration, Appreciation, Spirituality, Possibilities, and Solutions. Looking for Sunshine provides an alternative path for people to consider when attempting to make sense out of a difficult situation.
Airport Life: How to Relate at Any Altitude is about how we relate to others.Relating well is an essential life skill. Yet so many of us struggle to communicate at home, at work, and out in the world.
Each day, you choose the person you want to be. You can be helpful or caustic, open or distant, thoughtful or thoughtless…it’s your choice. And your choice affects the quality (and the quantity) of your relationships.
Airport Life: How to Relate at Any Altitude shows you how to relate to other people constructively, without compromise or confrontation.
Learn how to effectively interact with everyone, no matter what the altitude.
It’s easy today to be overtaken by the busyness of life. It’s hard to keep up, and even harder to remember the things we ought to be doing. We all need reminding from time to time to say thank you, to turn off the lights, or to call and check up on our Moms. Pandemonium exists in all of our lives but we should embrace the good, the bad, and the pandemonium because life is still good. Life Is Still Good helps you re-appreciate the things you have and everything that you’re able to do. It’s all a blessing. Life is Still Good is an appreciation for those everyday things we all experience but don’t always recognize. The smile, the nod, the helping hand: they’re all on display, every day, for us to acknowledge and appreciate. It’s our life, and life is still good.
The genesis of The Magic Dance comes from a video narrated by Derek Sivers, author, and founder of CD Baby. In the shaky, sometimes out-of-focus video, a lone man is dancing wildly all by himself in the midst of an audience during a live outdoor concert. We never see or hear the band playing, but we do see how that one man and his magic dance manages to convert his first fellow audience member (the first follower) into an equally enthusiastic dancer - then another, and another. Within minutes he is surrounded by throngs of other wild and crazy dancers. We have the same power to attract followers. Just as importantly, we have the power to become first followers. When our vision and judgment come together at the right moment, with the right intention, we can ignite great ideas. We can create radical change. The Magic Dance shows you how to spark a great idea. Create a new movement, or follow it - and change the world
It’s not the size of your goal that’s important-it’s the size of your TARGET. Veteran life and business coach Jeff Pasquale shares proven tools to help you stay focused on your target, despite life’s distractions (and our own inner noise) that often get in the way. One of the biggest challenges each of us faces in achieving our goals is keeping our goals in sight. How Big is Your Target? guides you through managing the day-to-day subtle and not-so-subtle obstacles that can threaten to stall your progress. With the right guidance and an unavoidable target, you can achieve your most important goals.
Get That New Job is a self-coaching book about how to get that new job. Get That New Job is about taking consistent and strategic action; action that will ultimately lead you to the job you want. In twenty-five steps, you will quickly get to a point of clarity about what kind of job you want, where you can find it, and ultimately get it. Jeff Pasquale has conducted hundreds of hours of coaching sessions focusing on helping his clients get that new job. By customizing your search to specific industries, job categories, and companies that you choose, you can increase your odds of landing that perfect job. The GET series is designed to walk the reader through 25 action steps that will lead to a desired accomplishment.
Get That Promotion is a self-coaching book about how to get that promotion. Get That Promotion requests that you take consistent and strategic action; action that will ultimately lead you to the promotion you want. In twenty-five steps, you will learn how to dramatically upgrade your resourcefulness, helpfulness, and willingness to help others, and yourself. These are life skills that will enhance your promotability and your attractiveness to other potential employers.
Coaching Leadership is about the Hows and Whys of great leadership and great leadership coaching. Leadership Coach Jeff Pasquale reveals Six Core Leadership Behaviors in a self-coaching format. The first three behaviors (Authenticity, Simplicity, and Consistency) set a strong foundation; the next three (Empowerment, Inspiration, & Serving Others) are external actions that support and enhance the first three. This book guides you through each point, so that you can become better at leading by intention or coaching leaders.